❝무지개만 보며 걸어요
stop in the name of love. just say yes.
★☆★☆// Pictures for those who did not come ytd.~~ Sunday, March 29, 2009 [ 5:44 PM ] 0 problem

Too Close up on mi and Dilys=p

Nice Shot Dilys!=]
My presents,Nice rite but Daryl's present broke le
very sad...David and Binghui Hai de..
Go and drop on the floor DIAO==GT lots of
NoteBook lols but i like notebooks=]

David,Wad are doing Above my head and Francis,Wad
is that on Rachel,s Arm???A Apple or WaD???

Hey,Francis and David,Wad Are Ur Doing above Rachel's Head???

Cut my CAKE=]

Whose Hand is That???LOLS All not Focus Enough.
Wonderful PIC,BOYS=]BFF??NAH,JKJK=]BUT Wif Galen and Junrong

Binghui they all spoil the pic ^LOLS


Forcing mi to make a wish....==i wish for....cnnt say=]

Did anione sing wrong???

Candle is Going to melt QUICK Sing FINSH!~~~~

Singing of BDAE Song,=]SO LOUD!
Well Done,Girls.Three Cheers For U.=] Stupid Boys go make us LAUGH.*Hymph*

Finally Cheerful Family is back LOLS

Another Solo Pic*still laughing at myself*LOLS

Solo Pic!So PS.LOLS

Finally is three candles.YAY=]
Still two Candles AHHHHH....................

Two Candles Nia!*SOBSOB*

My Bdae Cake,12 dancing princesses,Genevi

Kena Torture,World War 3 start le.HAHA

Stupid David And Binghui,Wad Tea Break!?!==
I Cant Twist my Body,But the two of them can do better den mi!=]

Mi,Chaolei and Rachel playing twister.=]

Now is Girls Turn.JYJY
In the end,Francis Won the game.Gratz!=]

Francis can really Twist his body,LOLS

Francis playing twister.JYJY=]

in the end,David,Binghui and Nicholas LIAN play twister together

Deciding who should play wif Binghui Twister.

For Those who nvr come,Dun worry,U will Have fun in ur own ways OK???Stop here le BYEBYE =]

★☆★☆// YTD!!!!!~~~~~ [ 5:18 PM ] 0 problem

Ytd fun sia.First,I go Causeway meet Chaolei,Nicholas,Rachel,Binghui and Francis,Den Binghui and Francis and Rachel i think nvr buy present so i go timezone 1st lorh.Binghui and Rachel play the basketball Rachel win to Binghui,Den we play Air Hockey is the boys win,den play the football,we play the football until SIAO,den Rachel and Chaolei play the Dancing wan,LOLS Me,Francis,Nicholas And Binghui help them hit the keys...Den finish le,Chaolei say take NEO-PRINT,den we take lorh.1st shot and bonus shot we take nice wan but in between we anihow take one bcuz no one dare to take the pics wad.LOLS.Den after that,we go popular buy stuff,den go B1 buy bubble Tea,My treat but i nvr treat Francis bcuz he buy for himself liao LOLS.After that,we take rachel's Father car to my house...den everione go crowd around the com ther lorh.LOLSAfter that,David come le,den we play twister,LOLS,Binghui and David they purposely ask us wad to twist.LOLS.Den we go downstairs and play the playground,we play catching???LOLS.Den veri sweaty,den the lift inside like so HOT,OMG!den we rest awhile den go eat lunch..den more and more ppl come,den hor,Binghui and David purposely make fun of Rachel.LOLS.den we half eat half laugh.eat le rest awhile den go play agn.now play BLOCK CATCHING.DIAO.Mi,Sonia,My Bro,Henry and Melvin got pian le.They lah run up and down,make us take the lift up and down...den suddenly everione chng blk.DIAO==.den go my hse agn,den all crowd around my room all P6 LOLS den David and Binghui go make spoil the SNOWBALL(By daryl)...den clean up,i cut my hand.ouch...but i dun care abt the pain as long as everione have fun can le...den we all go basketball court play basketball,den mi,Chaolei and Rachel take Chaolei's Father car bak.Den reach le,We go take our wallet to buy ice-cream.den Chaolei go home le,den mi and Rachel at playground ther to see if ani bois coming bak,den Francis,Henry and David come bak nia... den we at playground ther play "BLIND MICE" and "YU SHUI" fun sia.Then we go bak my hse den we all go my room.they help mi open the present.I love ALL THE PRESENTS GIVEN TO MI!Den Rachel Leaving le mah,den we take a group photo,the group photo Six ppl onli LOLS.Den take le they went home le,den mi and dilys take the pics,den she went home,i go bath den i go her hse to play "PAYDAY(By Nicholas LIAN)"
den go home on MSN and chat wif my friend until 12 midnight LOLS.den Sleep Le.Now i will post the Pics for those who are not here.i will post the pic at another post.bcuz will lag.

★☆★☆// Chnged Place..... Friday, March 27, 2009 [ 6:06 PM ] 0 problem

Todae is a boring dae as usual ...1st period Mdm KAM d,then folowed by mdmloy,wang laoshi.mr hatta den mdm ling=]
Mr Hatta Chng our place.Actually can mondae chng one but alot of ppl wan to chng todae so he chng lorh,we wan to chng todae is to delay his precious time...
I sit in between Binghui and Mak,"sway" lorh...somemore is in the middle.I dun like to sit in the middle bcuz when u talk,we kena caught wan lorh,LOLS i sit last row,i sit at my mother tongue de place so i dun nid to chng place lorh,HEEHEE Save time den the rest must chng Mdm Loy de class mus chng agn...==Diaoz,ok stop here i go audi-ing le,wan to look for mi,pm mi:coolgirl67(IGN)ok???BuaiiBuaii hugs and kisses.=]

★☆★☆// Todae.....Scary Sia...... Thursday, March 26, 2009 [ 3:34 PM ] 0 problem

Today,MdmLoy nvr,"YES" bcuz my reading log forget to do AGN! Angry sia den nvm lorh den relief 'cher,Mr Yap take over den he gif us IQ qns and we play pictionary,den Gabriel and Damien fight wad,den they run around the whole school den Mr Yap scold them rite,A lot of ppl go and be KPOs and see wad happen den i jus came bak from toilet onli den i saw a lot of ppl running bak to classroom,i saw Jowi,Isabel,Cephus,Felicia,Germaine and i dun rmb who le by is almost like the whole class..Then Mr hatta come and scold us den sit down rite,Cephus say i am part of it when i am not.Angry sia,But then he awhile suddenly will crack jokes wan.HEEHEE gt once felicia say Cephus is My BF.The BF means Best Friend lah in this case.then i think i agree with Felicia???Lols ok Now chatting wif Rachel.Buaii Buaii

★☆★☆// Sport's Day Wednesday, March 25, 2009 [ 6:43 PM ] 0 problem

Hi Ppl, it's me agn,Wh.
todae is sport's day den the result veri shocking LOLS
Not shocking lah is surprising


Lols,Hist'y chngs itself and wan to congratz Binghui and Francis for getting a medal and the cheering competition is Frangipani Win!Angsana gt the 8-beats like gt rhythm like that.LOLS
Got two HSM Songs "Now Or Never" And "We're in this together" Lols
I dun Kno my Hse cheers Sia,Den jus go for fun lorh.Den we go refreshment the milo is cold milo instead of hot milo i drink two cups,YUM!
Den Some of them go buy water and drink,LOLS den go bak hor
Binghui and Nicholas Say dunwan Francis to meet us on Saturday den i say who go and tell him,They say i tell bcuz i bdae gurl,then i say we play scirrors,paper,stone lose one
mus go and tell him,Den we play 1st round Binghui Cheat den play 2nd round LOL Binghui Win den Left mi and Nicholas lor den we play den i lose sia,Den i say i dunwan they say mus,then i say ok lorh
Den Line up in front of francis ,Binghui and Nicholas veri fun wan they veri funni u kno they can be comedians le LOLS
den i sit on the bus i sit alone,SAD rite???LOLS
Cant wait for Sat le Excited until cnnt Sleep Lols mus stay awake until 12am or like 12+am den can sleep,Dilys worse She scare of sleeping alone buz her grandmother,mother,her Yipopo and my grandmother play MAHJONG den they always play until like 3/4am in the morning sometimes 5am LOLS den i sometimes at Dilys Hse stay until they play finish their Mahjong den go home,LOLS Then reach home le,1min fast aleep le.

Lols,i nvr do the lee kuan yew Project leh,Aiya who cares the Mdm Kam bring us go com lab do i oso dunkno wad to do lorh so dun wan do the project lorh,LOLS
now posting here,So boring,Mayb Sat go Timezone if not come bak home and play com LOLS JKJK
nid to decor the hse LOLS
Stop here cuz Cousin,Maverick nid to do the wad IPW project onli for P3,P4 and P5 onli luckily dun nid to do if nt i will die bcuz stressed.Ok GTG,BUAII BUAII,Guys!=]

★☆★☆// Apologize (stupid version) MMV [ 6:37 PM ] 0 problem

Hi it's Me AGN!This Vid oso Veri funni Wan please Watch if u gt Time,No time nvm next time den watch k

★☆★☆// You're beautiful MMV (stupid version) [ 6:35 PM ] 0 problem

This Vid Veri Funni Laugh until the lungs drop Out.LOLS Please Watch!

★☆★☆// Wednesday, March 18, 2009 [ 7:27 PM ] 0 problem

Now i Am on Facebook,i take the quiz"What Does Your Birthday Say About You" .I am An APRIL GIRL.YAY!

This is the answer:

Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

Want to take this quiz go to Facebook,K,PPL???

★☆★☆// .......Sorry....... Tuesday, March 17, 2009 [ 8:44 PM ] 0 problem

Sorry Everyone,I am Kinda Sad,So,I am Sry.xp
I wan to Say "SORRY" to Shimin and Zhen Hui the most bcuz i am not friending them animore.
It Is jus Sad to break the friendship but i have to...
I dun wan to be jealous of anithing jus hope to have a happy life thats all..
But Bad things keep happening to Me,Like Last Year,Brina was snatch away by Eunice.
Den Now,i Am not frending Shimin and Zhen Hui,Well......
I could not say bad,i shd say relieve
Bcuz wont have to qurrel wif each other.
Den wont have to figh for a boy and den fall out of friendship.
I feel relieve now,Jus Having Me,Only Me in my own darkness and lonely world...
So,Dun feel SAD FOR Me,Jus Be Happy Kays???

★☆★☆// Monday, March 16, 2009 [ 10:43 PM ] 0 problem

My Friendship Poem =]

I Cry,You Cry,In The End,We Both Cry
I Smile,You Smile,In The End,We Both Smile
I Laugh,You Laugh,In The End,We Both Laugh
I Shout,You Shout,In The End,We Both Shout
I Gossip,You Gossip,In The End,We Both Gossip
When I am Sad,You were there to lend me a ear to hear what has happened to me,
When I am Happy,You were there to shout for joy with me,
When I am Angry,You were there to let me vent the anger on you,
When I am In Love,You were there to feel the happiness with me.
You were the best friend I could ever Have,
You were the person who knows me the best,
You were the lucky star i could have in my life,
We Are BFF,No one separate us!
We Are The Bestest among the Bestest friends.
You Are faithful,loyal,kind,caring,loving,adorable,cute,wonderful.
Faithful is What You and I Have,ILY and I Am lucky to have u As a BEST FRIEND!=]

Acronym Poem=]

W-Wonders if a guy likes a girl??
A-A first date???
N-Not unless he says"ILY" to You 1st.

H-How great it is to have you,but everythings turns out wrong
O-Our Heart are not as one,
O-Our Love is not there,
N-No wonder u say "IHY" to Me.

The Friendship Poem is to All My Friends and Besties

Important Note for Sm & ZH:not Shimin,Zhen Hui and Priscillia(P6),No Offence to you guys,I am so SRY,Bcuz We Are Not that close.I am really Sry,No Hard Feelings????Aniway,we Still can be friends even if we are not BFF,if ur dun wan den we can dun friend each other too,i don't mind=])

★☆★☆// Todae...... [ 12:31 PM ] 0 problem

Todae,Got supplemantary,oso dunkno for wad
1st two hour is Mr hatta's Period,den last hour is Mdm Loy's period
Mdm Loy gif Homework,But mr hatta did not gif us homework
Den Mr Hatta Teach us Algebra for maths,Food Web and Food Chain for Science
I dun quite understand why learn Algebra now when we are
going to learn that too in Sec Skool???
I think is to learn the basics 1st
Mr Hatta's lesson is quite fun bcuz gt jokes
den we all laugh like mad le
all go CRAZY esp. Kaiyi Sah(No offence to Kaiyi Sah)
My Bro peeking,He veri guai lan wan lorh
Wan to smack him
LOLS,lets get back to wad we are talking 'bout k???
Den Mdm Loy's period we all do Compre OE
Mus do Highlighting,Chack SPG and mus do Summary
LOL rite???
Den i half do,half talk to ISABEL=]
den after that 11a.m. le den go home rite,Saw rachel outside
den she remind mi something on 28/3
HEEHEE,Those kno,Cnnt say hor.Mus be a Dark secret....LOLS
I watch too much fairytales show and read too much of it too
Thats Why,Sorry hor,i bit childish lah.=p
so hope ur wont mind.=]
ok stop here,going to listen to "Tell Me Something I Don't Know"
By Selena Gomez,(Nice Song) and "We'll Be Together" By Ashley Tisdale(Nice Song too=])
ok,Buaii Buaii all,ILY,Hugs and kisses!=]

★☆★☆// What Dreams Are Made Of.... Sunday, March 15, 2009 [ 8:48 PM ] 0 problem

Hey now,hey now
Hey now, hey now
Have you ever seen such a beautiful night
I could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright
Then I see you smiling as I go oh, oh, oh
I would never want to miss this
Cause in my heart I know what this is
Chorus:Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
I’ve got somewhere I belong
I’ve got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of
(Hey now, hey now, hey now this is what dreams are made of)
Have you ever wondered what life is about
You could search the world and never figure it out (figure it out)
You don’t have to sail all the oceans no, no, no
Happiness is no mystery
It’s here and now
It’s you and me, yea
Chorus: x1(Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now)
Open your eyes (this is what dreams are made of)
Shout to the sky (this is what dreams are made of)
Then I see you smiling as I go oh, oh, oh
Yesterday my life was duller
Now everything's techni-color
Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
I’ve got somewhere I belong
I’ve got somebody to loveThis is what dreams, dreams
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now, hey now (hey, hey, hey)
Hey now (hey, hey, hey)
This is what dreams
hey now hey now (hey, hey, hey)
This is what dreams are
Dreams are made of

★☆★☆// Saturday, March 14, 2009 [ 1:17 PM ] 0 problem

Todae,Meet-The-Parents Session!
Den,I early Go le,Den Eat Breakfast,den Go wif Dilys
Mi and Dilys are Magnet..HEEHEE
After that,Start le,Den Ms Teo was talking,But i chatting wif Yeeting
Den after Ms Teo,Is Ms Hayati,den Mr Leo
Den go bak Classroom,i sit at Yeeting's place bcuz my place cnnt sit
Den Mt Hatta Talk,Talk,Talk lorh
Den dun wan to ask Mr Hatta Anithing so go look for Wang Lao Shi
Wang Lao Shi say my bklet A is weak,But my bklet B is good
B4 mi,is Duncan==
Wang Lao Shi wans mi to read more Chinese Books==
I Hate reading Chinese Books=p
So after seeing Wang Lao Shi go see Mdm Loy
Mdm Loy say i sometimes veri talkative=p
she oso say i made alot of friends=p
After That my brother turn i dun care i dun wan to go his...
So i come home,On MSN,Den bath den continue using com lor
Den i dunwan use le,Forgt to off MSN=p
So go do my own things den i use again,i saw my audi jie talking to mi
Den i oso dun care le,i jus talk to her lorh=pLOLS=p
oh Ya Wan to Say something
Happy B'dae to GERMAINE And JIAYEE!!!!
Bdae Greeting from:LWH(dunkno wad it means,figure it out urself=p)

★☆★☆// Past and Present...=] Tuesday, March 10, 2009 [ 2:10 PM ] 0 problem

Yo ppl!Happy Day eh
Mi is Happy Day Lah JKJK =p
I recess go buy Chinese Dict.
for $32.90 =]
YAY!Nw Chinese compo can search for th word i dunkno hw to write
Tmr mayb Gif out exam papers for parents to sign AHHH.....
My science is 71/100 liao
Bcuz i gt additional 2 marks for qn 1
Lter going to Dilys hse!YAY!
Mayb if Mr Hatta coming to My Bdae party hor,
Mayb will tell him mi and Dilys are cousins!Or mayb Nt
Dun tell better.=]
Haizz Sian.Toking to Rach And Ger(<
Happily Gossipning abt ppl,No lah JKJK
PPL Dun get UPTIGHT HOR!!!=]
If nt,lter i kena scolding agn
I dun wan to get scolded...=(*SOBSOB*)
Ok le lah,Buaii Buaii
Happy Day TO ALL!=]

★☆★☆// Monday, March 9, 2009 [ 2:24 PM ] 0 problem

HiHI all!I todae feeling sad...=[
My Maths fail but everything else pass YAY!!!
My results are:Maths:37/100(SAD)
English:Bklet A:23/30
Bklet B :34.5/65
Mother Tongue:68/100(2nd Highest)
Maths paper can fail is bcuz the paper hard!Al least mrs kee set the qn
nt so hard lorh!=]
MRS KEE,Wher Are U???LOLS==
Hope She Come Back and Teach!
Today PE,I wan kill myself LOLS
Wad Buhhda Clap and run for 5 round twice den the 1st round dunkno run how mani rounds lah
nt interested to count aniway,LOLS
Den i wan walk oso cnnt den mr hatta nvr see i walk lor
den when doing the buhhda(spelled wrongly) clap har,Wah siao wan leh
Kathira run another three rounds slowly like
dun kno wad,den is Adilah and Francis.
Both are Good Runners COOL!=P
den like hell hor,my stomach pain until wan die
i think is stomach cramp!OUCH,PAin now still veri pain
Den hor i think i saw Cephus Cry dunkno for wad den he cry
I think is the maths result LOL
Like u fail,it is nt the end of th world wad LOLS!
Till here,Now going to Dilys hse to Play!and discuss the exam result HAHA!
Buaii Everione JyJy for SA1 and Prelim and PSLE=]
Congrats for those who pass all the subject....=]

★☆★☆// IHY Sunday, March 8, 2009 [ 2:10 PM ] 0 problem

Go Hell Lah!
So wad i scold ur dog,so wad i did nt,
But that doesnt gif u the rights to scold mi!
U think u wad,King of England,HAHA!
At least u are onli a subject of tat place onli!
Queen of ENGLAND Bigger den u!
So What i Do Like YAORONG,So What i dont,
He is just another friend to me!
IHY more than i hate eunice,at least i tried saying sry to her...
IHY,ELTON,U dun ever come to my PARTY,Dun even Dare!

★☆★☆// [ 11:36 AM ] 0 problem

Today morning,i go down buy stuff den i fell down and sprained my leg
OUCH...My Brother Is and Fcker,CCB,Stupid,Idiotic and V.I.P(veri .Irritating,.Person)
He Say i Act innocent ok lorh den i will continue acting innocent in front of him..=p
He veri idiot one lorh...Can Kill him and skin him alive LOLS....
If can hor going to do so le....Ok enough of Him,If keep talking about him,
I will burst like a balloon...LOLS
Got LOLS Disease le...LOLS =.=
Going to Use HAHA le,LOLS=.=
Now Boring lah,Nth to do LOLS=.=
So listen to "The Way I Loved You" By Taylor Swift=]
ok Stop Here le LOLS=.= Byebye Everyone=]

★☆★☆// Saturday, March 7, 2009 [ 9:52 PM ] 0 problem

Yesterdae,Went CWP wif Ger...
She go and Ask mi choose the design for my present
so i choose lorh den we shop shop at minitoons lorh LOLS!
Ger say she want the white purse and 4 box of 500-pieces of Puzzle
so i say ok lorh,den i tell her my budget is $15.
Ok den buy for her can oso buy for Jiayee.=]
Den after we Shop We Go Buy Bubble Tea To drink,i buy Chagpage(Spelled wrongly)
Grape to drink,She buy Mango,Both are Ice-Blended,Goodie...=]
After that we go Macdonald to Sit Sit lorh,LOLS
After that,We take bus no. 962 Home frm interchng
i 1 stop den go off le,Den i saw a Woman Beating her friend,
Den everyone look at them...Den i oso lorh..LOLS!
Now veri sian nth to do...So Post lorh...Mdm Loy going through
English Paper on Monday.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!HOpe
To Pass,Pls Let mi Pass At least one subject,Pretty Pls!=[

★☆★☆// YOS PPL! Thursday, March 5, 2009 [ 2:40 PM ] 0 problem

HiHi Boys and Girls,Ladies And Gentlemens???LOLS
Todae,Mr Hatta Nag at Us agn,for two periods
Whole class is like,u look at mi,i look at u...
I yawn at lot of times...Nt say Boring
Is Tired...
The Science paper todae is so-so...
Finish nth to do lorh so wad lorh....
Den after recess,MDM Loy bring us go com lab
Den i tag At 5I's blog lorh since can go blogger...
Exams Over....Wait for Home-Based Learning...
After Home-Based Learning...Is My BDae Party,HOORAY!
Nw chatting wif Rach about........cnnt Say,Binghui oso kno.HEEHEE
Ask Mi,Rachel and binghui We oso wont say
bcuz tis is a dark secret shared between us...HEEHEE
Oh Ya,Pls,PPL,Dun Gossip Hor,Is onli secret nia so no big deal about it lah...
Nw mus Buzi wif the Planning of my bdae party....
So Buzi....cnnt w8 till 28/3 ....HAHA
Now can play...no lah mus sometimes study oso...HAHA
Since PSLE is cuming after 7 months...
SOBSOB.Wan Go GD Skool But i wan somewhere
nearer to woodgrove so cn go bak visit MDM LOY...HEEHEE!
Rmb Tag mi hor...MDM Loy,if u Visit my Blog,PLS Tag,PLSPLSPLS!
To Rachel and Binghui:cnnt let the cat out of the bag hor!Rmb,Rmb,Rmb Esp Rach,bcuz u gt
STM(No Offence hor=])!
BB,Nw listening to songs And mayb go play audi????HAAHAA!=]