❝무지개만 보며 걸어요
stop in the name of love. just say yes.
★☆★☆// Tuesday, June 30, 2009 [ 10:00 PM ] 0 problem

Hais...u kno today wad happen to me???

ReiRei was so ANGRY at mdm loy today!?!?D:
She go chng ReiRei's place to a place nex to her lorhs MAN....Sure boring wan.....Nvr do homework will tio Caught sey.....
But good place thought....Dun nid to get irritated by Mak and BH liaos ;D
ReiRei's place near mdm loy oso cannt do anithing.....do anithing surely tio caught
KAO...ReiRei wanna throw temper at her de lorhs........ReiRei wanna scold FCUK in her face sey......
HAIS she teacher ReiRei student if hor,ReiRei LIVE IN A PALACE HORS,MORE GOOD LORHS!?!
can be princess buy anithing ReiRei wan,help ppl,but hors,mus learn ettiques and all lorhs so...no freedom to it lorhs.....HAIS...ReiRei wish ReiRei am studying at cross academy HAIS........
ReiRei could see the VK[Vampire Knight] de cast lorhs ReiRei love [Aidou],[Shiki],[Rima] and [Yuki] :D
HEEHEE ReiRei jus love watching japan anime :D
Now haven started [Neo Angelique abyss Second Age] nia ReiRei jus love that show ;D

ok Stoping here,tmr gt LOLLIPOP;D

Signing off as,


★☆★☆// Friday, June 26, 2009 [ 11:18 PM ] 0 problem

Pepsi or Coke : Both ~!
McDonald's or Burger King : Macdonalds , burger king second on list
Single or Group Dates : both~!
Chocolate or Vanilla : Both~!
Strawberries or Blueberries : Both~!
Meat or Veggies : Both~! .
TV or Movie : BOTH~!.
Guitar or Drums : BOTH~!
Adidas or Nike : Adidas
Chinese or Mexican : Chinese .
Cheerios or Corn Flakes : HECK CARE
Cake or Pie : Cake & Pasteries
MTV or VH1 : MTV

Favorite eye color : Purple ? o.o
Short or long hair : In between .
Height : 151cm ???
Best clothing : Lost Count (:
Have you ever been to jail : Nope
Mooned someone : no o.o
Thrown up in a store : nahs
Laughed so hard you cried : of course .
Cried in school : YUP Lots of times le jus that u all dunkno ReiRei last time nickname is wad nia
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today : DUNKNO
Gone skinny dipping : nope

Are you a happy person ? : should be
What can make you happy ? : Jokes,Strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,kiwi,lollipops,chocolates and lots more
Do you wish you were happier ? : Yes
Can music make you happy ? : Yes.
How many times have you had your heart broken ? : DUN CARE
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them ? : DUN CARE
What is your current hair color ? : black .
Current piercings ? : YUP .
Have any tattoos ? : no -.-
Eye color ? : BLACK

Who was the last person you IM'd ? : Binghui .
Who was the last person you took a picture of ? : DUNKNO
Who was the last person you said I love you to ? : NO ONE i am independent
Who do you feel like seeing now ? : NOTHING i wanna see a palace in my dreams now
What is the temperature outside ? : freaking scorching hot !
What radio station do you listen to ? : DUN CARE .
What was the last restaurant you ate at ? : LOLS...Erm...none (:
What was the last thing you bought ? : Sticky Notes
What was the last thing on TV you watched ? : The Ultimatium on Ch8

Have you ever been on a plane ? : yeahs
Have you ever asked someone out ? : DUNCARE
Have you ever been asked out by someone ? : DUNCARE
Have you ever been to the ocean ? : beach counted ?
Have you ever painted your nails ? : YA,I still sometimes at home do it myself :D

Do you believe there is life on other planets ? : I dun think cuz scientists cant proved anithing yet
Do you believe in miracles ? : Sometimes
Do you believe in magic ? : Kinda but mostly is believed in fairytales :D
Love at first sight ? : DUNCARE ABT THAT
Do you believe in Satan ? : LOLS WIERD QNS
Do you believe in Santa ? : Used to,now still gt a bit childish but for tha santa thingy,no way will i believe it
Do you know how to swim ? : Yeap .
Do you like roller coasters ? : I never even try before
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows ? : NO WAY,all those the eat on TV sucks like HELL,get it??HELL
Spell your name without vowels : Not sure. is it WNHN,OMFG WTH IS THIS
What color do you wear most ?: ,Red,orange,white,black,light brown,abit dark de purple,pink and lots more...:D my fashion sense is the "BEST"
What are you listening to ? : NOTHING
Are you happy with your life right now ? : NO!?!EVERYTHING SUCKS I WANNA CHNG IT unless i gt the friends i wanted like Sonia,Sinyi,Huiting GAN-JIE,Wilson GAN-KOR....
What is your favorite class in school ? : SCIENCE bahs
Do you start back at school/college ? : College means university in some places but th ans is NO
Favorite pair of shoes ? : BOOTS
Where do you wish you were right now ? : A place where no troubles is cause,it is PARADISE~!

A - Available : NOPE
B - Birthday : 02041997,not 280397 dun get it wrong ;]
C - Crushing On : MYSELF
D - Drink You Last Had : Water
E - Easiest Person To Talk To : Sinyi,Sonia,Rachel,Germaine,Crystal,ZhenHui,Huiting and lots more......
F - Favourite Song : Lots os it....cant be listed out but for one things for sure,i love JUST DANCE BY LADY GAGA
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms : Gummy BEARS , they rock !
H - Hometown : Singapore .
I - In Love With : MUSIC,Dancing,Him and LOLLIPOPS
J - Juggle : who in the world will noe how to do this other then clowns ?
K - Killed Someone : nope
L - Longest Car Ride : Malaysia .
M - Milkshake Flavour : COOKIES AND CREAM
N - Number Of Siblings : 2 i eldest
O - One Wish : PSLE over le so i can be free agn
P - Person You Called Last : Sinyi we talked on the fone for 1hr
R - Reason To Smile : I dunkno
S - Song You Last Heard : Silent Destiny
T - Time You Woke Up : 6.00a.m.
V - Vegetable( s ): SEAWEED
W - Worst Habit : Bite my fingernails,and like P-O-GX - X-rays You've Had : NONE
Y - Yoyos Are : Toys for human and a way of greeting (:
Z - Zodiac Sign : ARIES,i love ARIES AND NOTHING ELSE ;D

★☆★☆// [ 10:42 PM ] 0 problem

ReiRei sneezing like HELL~~~!
ReiRei nose not feeling well
Lter okay le:D
ReiRei's sneezing is normal:D
so not nid scared
not H1N1
ReiRei finally feel better le :D

ok stop here ByesByes<3<3

Signing off as,


★☆★☆// Wednesday, June 24, 2009 [ 11:46 PM ] 0 problem

Now chatting wif Froze_Icy(ReiRei's Bestie =D)

Ok so...ReiRei finish almost all the homework ok ReiRei finished all her Homework :D Finally =D
ok so..recently ReiRei stop playing audi cuz School Reopening soon so not able to play nid to prepare things to get ready...
So ReiRei will be buzi....
and ReiRei SAT and Sun going to DIlys Hse????Mayb going to he rhse I DUNKNO
She and ReiRei say hao le,Sec 1 go do hair tgt.
Oh and People if u see us tgt dun ask anithing thank you cuz we are sick of answering ppl qn like "are the both of you cousins???"
LET me say one thing,YES we are cousins and stop asking done cuz ReiRei,Dilys and Galen love each other damn much okays???misses each other everyday okays???

OK stop here le,byesbyes<3<3

Signing off as,


★☆★☆// Monday, June 22, 2009 [ 6:36 PM ] 0 problem

HEY Guys ~ !

u kno something???
My Audi Character jus lvl Up it is now lvl 15
Lvl 15 license hard to do cuz it is 8k(8-keys) which i hate if it is BU(beat Up) ReiRei still can
but 8k hahs no way ReiRei am not going to do that and ReiRei tell ya ReiRei will fail so no can do :D
And ReiRei am encouraged by Froze_Icy :D ReiRei's audi best friend :D ReiRei love her :D HEEHEE*cheese*
and ya,ReiRei still have a long way to go b4 ReiRei reached lvl 60(DANCING QUEEN POSITION IS WAD REIREI IS AIMING FOR)
ReiRei am going to find a cpl in audi???ReiRei dunkno but
ReiRei's Kor and Sonia found One *SOBSOBS*
ReiRei is being left behind *CRYS*
Help ReiRei ~ ~ !
ok stop heres ReiRei is being Childish HEEHEE

byesbyes ReiRei go watch Neo Angelique Abyss:D

Signing off as,


★☆★☆// Sunday, June 21, 2009 [ 6:28 PM ] 0 problem

YO ReiRei posting agn ^.^

Now ReiRei is at Galen's (or Dilys) hse using thier com...^.^
Galen at home onli Dilys hais Go shopping which ReiRei thinks it is fun but nvr ask mi go oso....*Crys*
ok...ReiRei now mapling wif Maverick and going to train HEEHEE
and i have 130 post le ^.^ Muacks to me ^.^
ReiRei will jyjy to get 140 posts on my blog okays????
Galen now not at home cause he go buy Dinner for mi and him and our family to eat HOHO
^.^ ok lahs ByesByes

Signing off as

★☆★☆// Saturday, June 20, 2009 [ 9:23 PM ] 0 problem

YO,ReiRei here Agn :)

HEEHEE ReiRei posted twice today =D
ReiRei is laughing like Hell cuz watching Yu le bai fen bai
Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui so funni until ReiRei not SAD animore :D
ReiRei was hoping that shows/ppl make mi and the Show Did HEEHEE
ReiRei love watching Yu Le Bai Fen Bai ~ !
HEEHEE ^.^ and ReiRei is going to have 130 posts Le

ReiRei JYJY ;D
missing Rachel so much..................
Hope She Takecare of herself and hope my Audi Charater could lvl up to lvl 15 :D

OK ReiRei Stop here le :D

Signing off as,


★☆★☆// [ 7:42 PM ] 0 problem

HIIE HIIE ReiRei here agn

Invited one person onli so.........ReiRei not talking to herself le....:D aniways
even if i am not talking to myself i am still suckish after wad "K" and "E" say abt mi ello,i amnot that stupid type of ppl but i dun trust Friends animore even the closest friends....
SADSAD....hais but ReiRei am now so free......ReiRei jus hope that ReiRei will be able to trust them agn but that wont happen cuz they are not true except for Rachel i love her veri(x10000continuous)much that she is my precious DARLING nobody snatch her away even if those "Nu ER" and all....LOLS ReiRei too excited and ReiRei misses Darling so much Sia..........ReiRei wish she come back from thailand fast cuz she is her onli precious one in the world HAHS JKJK still have somemore like Jiaying BaoBeii (= HEEHEE ok ReiRei stop here le ~ !!
She is Too HOT(veri warm) to continue posting le

BYESBYES *missing Darling so much*

I <3love Rachel veri(x1000000continuous) much ~ !*shouted it out*

★☆★☆// [ 9:52 AM ] 0 problem

YAY ReiRei can finally do my beatup till Blue BEAT ReiRei left wif two letters U and P den can blue beatup le but den bcuz ReiRei miss a arrow dun have le :( SOBSOBS den ReiRei try agn den do until orange BEATU(P) no P onli :D yay lter ReiRei JYJY agn and try to score more for PERF and not Great and Zero BAD and less than 10 misses okays????ok..ReiRei has done writing CYA :D
ReiRei stops here now ~ ! =D

Signing off as,


★☆★☆// Friday, June 19, 2009 [ 10:54 PM ] 0 problem

Hais i locked my blog so i could talk to myself...
ok now i am doing that....HAIS.......
AIYA ok nvm i love talking to myself aniways...
i love to do that,so jus do that lorhs,i love to be alone so i could jus cry,,shout,scream or laugh in aniway i like nobody can care abt mi ^.^ HEEHEE ReiRei is buzi always playing MAPLE and Audi nowadays
My Maplestory In-Game-Nick : ReiRei1997
My Audition In-Game-Nick:coolgirl67

^^ so proud of my character my audi character is lvl 14 nid to do license
^^ my ReiRei1997 is lvl 24 nid to lvl 6 more times to be an offial K.O.C. HAIS i am thelowest among my family's character(K.O.C.)

HAIS JYJY lorhs JY REIREI u can do it :D
jus JYJY dun carewad Eunice and Kerene say abt u ok???*cant stop thinking abt it* :D
OK stop here le ReiRei ByeByes <3<3

★☆★☆// Tuesday, June 16, 2009 [ 5:28 PM ] 0 problem

Dun feel like blogging nowadays.......

nowadays,thinking abt lots of problem.......SOMEONE MAKE MI LAUGH AND HELP MI~~!

★☆★☆// Sunday, June 14, 2009 [ 11:27 PM ] 0 problem

OK sry guys for dragging this post until now :( so sry cuz i dun really kno wad post and recently cant sleep bcuz of some matters :(

ok lets see wad i am posting......


Ok so....i was waiting for the time to come faster as i am going out den suddenly dilys and galen came so i forgt abt the time and den i was late!So i rush and oso Walk slowly and i went to CWP to meet BH,Rach,CL and David lorhs ok so i went there i saw Rach and CL onli lahs and i was LATE!!!LATE U KNO!!!LOLSok lorhs we went up and downs and finally went to the cinema ther ok BH and David go buy tickets we chip in.OK watch Monsters V.S. Aliens
Movie Sort but Funni and after movie timezone ok so i had nth to do cuz they playing BBall and all and i jus folo them around lorhs den mi and Rachel decided to play guitar heroes ok so we play......den i folo them agn den BH and David wans to play guitar Heroes ok so i play wif them lorhs first half BH play,Second half David play and the last half BH agn LOLS ok so i play i play i play that guitar and i ask if they wan BBTEA no one replied so ok time for mi to go i was the one who has to go off earliest de T.T
ok den reach home,watch TV,play com,bathe,play com,sleep(Zzz) ^.^

B.T.D no event going on so at home playing com and all somemore cousins come so play wif them ^.^


went to my great-grand mother hse,go CWP and come home go dilys hse wait for her and galen to come bak from shopping spree ok they are bak and it is Damn late ok so i stayed ther till 12++ going to 1 liaos ok den i went home,play com,den sleep lorhs


Woke up,eat breakfast den awhile lter my grandaunt,my uncle and my another cousin came,den we play,play,play lorhs den he so cute ^.^
ok den my TANG SAO lai le wif LEE JIAYEE from her abacus lesson i think o.0
ok den my cousin Cry the most den mi,Jiayee,Galen and QIQI went outside to play den mi and galen outside the gate saw JIAYEE CRY~~~~T.T den we went over,help her up and ask her wad happen she say she fell down so i ask can walk?? she say cnnt,so i carry her lorhs she was crying!!!T.T sobsobs den after that,my cousin and QIQI fight for the white board marker,ok den they cried AGN~~~!My hse bcame a war zone~~~!!!!!!!!!ok den my uncle,Tang Sao,Cousin and Jiayee go home le left my grandaunt,my grandma,my second mama ^.^,and dilys's grandma playing MAHJONG HEEHEE always SAT AND SUN they will play MAHJONG de but most of the time is at Dilys hse lahs so i can stay ther until veri late den go home

OK my story has ended :) sry for the dragging of post :( SO SRY DUDES :(

Nex time it will not happen agn????Mayb it will cuz i now buzi mapling nowadays going to train my wind breaker until lvl 120 :D HEEHEE :) Wish mi luck guys :)

Signing off as,

ReiRei ;]

ohya and ReiRei will be tag by mi at my blog onli the rest of the blog will be tag as WANHOON

tell u all first lter something bad happens agn......SO GOOD NIGHT guys :)

★☆★☆// Thursday, June 11, 2009 [ 10:10 AM ] 0 problem

The Trip to CWP on MON will be update by this week ;) so sry guys,bear wif it pls thx :)

the reason i dun like to post on outings wif friends is bcuz :

1) Lazy
2) outing a lil bit fun
3) Thinking on wad to post
4) i am now busy listening to song and watching vids wif my current fave All-girls Group ;)

that my reason thx all ;)

★☆★☆// BoA ft Sean Garret-I Did It For Love Lyrics Wednesday, June 10, 2009 [ 9:13 PM ] 0 problem

Nice Song ;) Recommended By mi to all music lovers out there ;)

★☆★☆// Tuesday, June 9, 2009 [ 8:28 AM ] 0 problem

Will update lter :)

★☆★☆// Sunday, June 7, 2009 [ 10:28 PM ] 0 problem

Yos...Now veri late jus now raining damn damn damn damn heavy :(
Always chnging the weather *sighs*
aniws tmr going out :)
BH ask mi to plan de ok so i ask Rachel,Him,David to help mi plan but BH and David like dunkno wad to do :/
ok so....I in charge of all the planning and Rachel jio CL if she can go so...tmr confirming who going then say
but movie is Monsters V.S. Aliens but Uninvited And To BH and David:Ur jokes is not funni :)
ok so mi and BH set a rule and i still owe David a bbtea :x
*SOBS*ok thought of eating lunch when we are ther :/ but they say they wan meet at 1p.m. ok nvm tmr den confirm agn on wher to meet,wad time to meet,who going and whether ornot going to eat lunch :)
Rachel,Mi,BH and David confirm de but CL dunkno Yet,So hope she can???I dunkno
ok i am damn bored and no one to chat to...ok nvm.......i gt nothing to do....dun feel like doing homework.....
TO Zhen Hui:Baobeii,Happy B'DAE in Advance ;]Wish u Stay Chio,Tall And Pretty and find someone to love u forever;] muacks Love YOU<33

★☆★☆// Thursday, June 4, 2009 [ 9:43 PM ] 0 problem

Lots of ppl hate mi!ppl accuse mi for wad i have not done why?!? and u ppl jus believe it
I am such a loner
U ppl jus believe wad EUNICE AND KERENE tell u but will u believe mi if i say i did not do it
oh ya i forgtten,u all are not true friends!~~~I HATE U ALL!~~~~
I cant believe u all will help her by belivin the two of them and not mi
i dun have the guts to do that and spare mi those scolding Will ya??
I dun have the guts and when i always go out wif ur,i always feel i am not ther,and frankly speaking,i dun think i exists,mayb i dun even exists in all of ur eyes too~!
i cant believe it that friends will be so unfaithful like GUYS~~~!
i dun think i could trust u all animore,even if u can make mi laugh or trust u all it wont be that much

★☆★☆// BORED~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, June 2, 2009 [ 9:10 PM ] 0 problem

HIIE all...recently busy wif Supp Classes so no post :)

so ok ytd wake up at 6.45a.m. and i chng pack my stuff and my grandma bring mi there.
Reach le saw GER ther liaos.OK den chatted wif her den we go buy things to eat~~~den rach come liaos ok chatted wif her oso nex is isabel when it is abt time,i walk wif isabel while rach,cl and ger walk tgt so ok lorh den i sit at the back....Faisha come liaos den we both had to move forward no choice lorhs ok so move forward first period is mdm loy's den mr hatta's den recess den MT,den mr hatta's agn ok ytd i almost shouted bcuz of BH and mak lahs..so i ren lorhs
ok den go home,pass homework to dilys den go home,bath,lunch den i go do homework lorhs i do do le i forgt to do mdm loy's homework so ok lorhs i go school copy lorhs

Todae wake up at 5.45a.m. ok so chnged,on Desktop and play after that go school den i reached school den buy JUE HUA CHA bottle de to drink lorh ok den gt one STUPID ANG MOH come annoy mi so ok,i so annoyed that i scream at BH ok thats stupid of mi but he started it first den i will scream de lorhs ok den ger come liaos we go buy fishballs to eat NICENICE :)
ok after tat go courtyard,den BH still veri wad veri qian bian de lorhs,den CRYSTAL dun kno say wad lahs i think she told BH bully mi veri FUN=="' NOT fun lorhs =="' ok den i dun care still sitting behind den maria and faisha come liaos ok we chatted alittle,ok den th ms teo come and talk "crap" agn,BORING~~~ok den first period is mdm loy's as usual she going through practise paper ok i ther doing the maths workbook den MAK help mi mark my practise paper ok so let him mark.OK den mr Sharoom came to teach "pie charts" ok some of his jokes are funni :P
ok so after recess go wif SONIA as usual ok den we go lower concourse le,den i say go bookshop a while so ok we go awhile lorhs den go back to lower concourse agn now it is real boring== wang lao shi going through ju zi xuan zhe ok boring......ok mrs foo come to teach science ok shit gt jokes intact but okok lahs den the video gt so funni ok it is LOLS ok after go home liaos i go look for Dilys MT laoshi ok no homework for her,den go 6J wait for sonia,Wait wait wait finally she come out den she say no homework den her class no one take for DILYS 2 Pencils *ANGRY* how can u all treat my sis ta like that ????:@ ok den sonia gif her,she's nice :)den onli her class she and dilys is the onli one wif one pencil each :) while the rest all two pencils D: ok that was real bad of them ......
ok after come bak go her house to pass her pencils den i forgt she gt maths homework nid to do so ok i went to her house agn and pass it to her and tell her how do...ok come home i do half way my homework i fell asleep ok thats bad of mi D: ok den i woke up i went to sleep ok....ok after that woke up watch tv,dinner,use com now posting lorhs ok stop her le


byes~~~~~~!tmr last Day of SUPP YIPPEE:)

★☆★☆// Monday, June 1, 2009 [ 10:49 PM ] 0 problem

Level 1

( ) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
( ) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
( ) Drank Alcohol

Level 2

(x) Are / Been In Love
(x) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
( ) Been In A Fist Fight

Level 3

( ) Had A Crush On An Older Person
( ) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die

Level 4

( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking

Level 5

(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone BECAUSE of Facebook
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit

Level 6

( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(X) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Love/loved Someone Who You Can't Have
(X) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel

Level 7

() Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(X) Built A Sand Castle
() Gone mudding
(X) Played Dress Up

Level 8

( ) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work/School

Level 9

( ) Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake

Level 10

(x) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Been Cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood

Level 11

(X) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

Level 12

( ) Had / Have Braces
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight

Level 13

(X) Hated The Way You Look
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
( X) Been obsessed with post-it-notes

Level 14

( ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
( ) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying

Level 15

(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(X) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(X) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

Level 16

(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
( ) Made a Prank Phone Call
( ) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain

Level 17

( ) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
( ) Watched The Sun Set/ Sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
( ) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere

Level 18

( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Travelled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey

Level 19

( ) Worn Pearls
( ) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins

Level 20

(X) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
() Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
() Sat On A Roof Top

Level 21

(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
( ) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about

Level 22

( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
( ) Climbed A Tree.
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House.
(X) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

Level 23

(X) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail

Level 24

( ) Played Chicken
( ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger(
( ) Broken A Bone
(X) Been Easily Amused

Level 25

( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
( ) Cried So Hard You Laughed

Level 26

( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x) Tried to hurt yourself

Level 27

(X) Rode A Roller Coaster
( ) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
( ) Had A Cavity
(x) Black-Mailed Someone
(x) Been Black Mailed

Level 28

(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
(X) Bitten Someone - CHILDHOOOD . !
( ) Licked Someone

Level 29

( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
( ) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came
( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas

★☆★☆// [ 4:21 PM ] 0 problem

1. Do you have secrets ?


2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl who is younger/older then you?

-Depends on mi :)

3. Do you enjoy going to school ?

-Last time yes,now no cuz of ms teo =="

4. What would you do with a billion dollars ?


5. Will you fall in love with your best friend ?


6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?


7. List out any of your most favourite bands.


8. What is your favourite food ?


9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?


10. What makes you angry ?

-Been annoyed by MAK,BH,Nic.L and Francis wif their stupig jokes and ALL THE TIME IS MY BRO ALWAYS THINKS HE IS IN THE RIGHT WHEN HE IS IN THE WRONG !!!!!!!!!

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ?

-Grown up and working lah use ur head lah ur brain grow on ur butt isit???

12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?


13. What are the most important things in life ?


14. Love Singing ?


15. What are your favourite colour[s] ?

-Black White Pruplr(Violet and indigo)

16. Would you give your all in a relationship ?


17. If you are in love with 2 people simultaneously , who would you pick ?


18. Would you forgive & forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done ?


19. What do you really want now ?

-Go live by myself by the beach cuz i dun wanna see my bro and i wanna open a tuition centre :)

20. What type of people you hate the most ?


21. Who is your best friend ?


22. What drink do you like most ?

-Green Tea,Kickapoo,Vitasoy,Jue HUA CHA

23. Who are your best friend ?


24. How good are them to you?

-Depends lorhs!JKJK for girls is super nice,but for guys,mus see my mood:)

25. What did they do to you then you will be cheerful ?

-Tell mi Jokes or chat wif mi lorhs or mayb cry wif mi

26. Do you have a pet ?


27. What makes you love him/her ?

-My Heart and soul

28. What are the most horrible things to you in you life ?

-Something regretful

29. Who do you hate most in your heart forever & forever ?


30. What things will make you angry ?


31. Who is most important in your life ?

-My GF,My Baobeiis and my darling and family and cousins:P

32. What will you do if you have nothing ?


33. Who do you love most ?

-JIAYING,CRYSTAL,Galen,Dilys,My second mama,my uncle,grandma,sis,
Rachel,germaine,mom,dad,and my grand aunts and grand uncles :)

34. Who sleeps with you every night ?

-My Grandma,my hp,my comb,books,pillows,blanket,matress and so on:P why???

35. Do you miss someone everyday that you cant sleep ?

-Ya i miss one person :) that is __________ u kaypo lahs

36. Which teacher you hate most?

- If u r one,u will be first on my hates list :D

37. Did any teacher help you before ?


38. If you have many money till you cannot spend what will you do ?

-Like I say,Buy lots of shoes,dresses and bags and open a tuition centre

39. Kill/fight is the coolest thing ?

-NONE,if u were the one gt beaten up,now thats interesting

40. What do you expect to be tomorrow?

-Have A TON of homework throw to us.. (supplementary) and hoping to finish on that veri day it was given

41. Who do you feel worried for in the world ?

-the ozone layer LOLS :P

42. What do you want the most ?

-LOTS OF SHOES,DRESSES AND BAGS AND of cuz,safety of my beloved Family and friends

43. Do you love someone who have moles ?


44. You want someone to love you or you love someone ?


45. Have you ever experience true love ?


46. Which type of person do you hate the most?


47. Is there anyone that you care about more than yourself?

-Of Course,like i said,i love everyone JKJK :)

48. Who is the best person to cheer you up ?

-Dilys,Galen,Crystal,Germaine,Rachel,Bh,Nic.L and of cuz my fav baobeii JIAYING

49. Who can you trust?

-those listed above i trust them more than anithing else in the world

50. What are you wearing now ?

-Clothes Lah use ur head lah ur brain on ur butt isit???

51. Do you want someone to be your's now ?


52. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you ?

-TELL THEM GO DIE :) cuz they cant be trusted :)

53. What time is it right now ?


54. Do you go for looks ?

-Nope,wad is th most beautiful abt a person is wad there SOULS are :D

55. Whats the first letter of the person you like ?

-N_____________ those kno dun say hors :)

56. Why you like the person you like?

-cause he's funny but always agitate mi nia :X

57. Would you stay overnight at his/her house?


58. Would you tell him/her everything about yourself?

-Depends on my mood

59. Who is the person who tagged you ?

-Dunkno cuz i am bored so jus do lorhs

60. How are you feeling right now ?


61. Are you missing anyone ?


62. What you wish to have most now ?


63. What do you wish to do now ?

-To Slack and play all day even when it is raining

64. Would you call him/her now ?


65. Would you do anything with the person you love ?

-Depend on wad the thing is lorh

66. Anyone always in your mind ?


67. If today was th last day of your life what would you do ?


68. What is your goal for this year ?

-To score @ least 240 for psle.

69. What feeling do you love the most ?


70. You like doing quizzes ?

-Yes but definitely NOT YOU

71. Who cares for you the most ?

-Those who cares abt mi :)

72. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?


73. What are th worst idea you've had this week ?


74. What were you doing last night at 11pm ?

-playing com and doing one of hobbies : CHATTING :D

75. Do you have a crush on someone ?

-YA,who doesnt u ar,ok u are a idiot :D

76. Who was the last person to lie in your bed ?


77. Last time you smiled ?

-A veri long time ago

78. Hows your mood now ?

-feel like crying~~~~JKJK i feel sleepy

79. Are you always high ?

-HI BYE,WAD u told mi to say "HI"

80. Last night, did you go to sleep happily ?

-I AM not a freaking person so no

81. When was the last time you changed your clothes in front of someone ?

-When i was a baby

82. Anyone told you a secret this week ?


83. Did you have a good day yesterday ?

-NAHS i gt panda eyes ya kno

84. What was the highlight of today ?

-Supp class =="

85. Do you ever turn your cell phone off ?

-Yes when i dun wan my parents to contact me and when my phone is abt to go flat.

86. What happened at 3.00am today ?

-Sleeping in progress

87. When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend ?

-Dun remember,i think is the PAP group photos bah i MISS THEM LOTS YA KNO

88. Do you hate anyone ?

-Of course.

89. Do they know who they are ?

-HUH???WAD U TALKING ABT???*act blur :P*

90. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter ?


91. When did you last cry ?

-Long Ago but sometimes jus feel like crying so i cried :)

92. Have you ever collapsed on th bathroom floor ?

-NO.I am careful but i am damn careless abt my stuff :P

93. Do you have a good relationship with your mother ?


94. When was the last time you bought something ?

-Multi-disciplinary Day that time :)

95. Have you ever told someone you love them ?

-YEAHS to my Dilys and My parents and grandma Dont u???OH WAIT u dun have a family :D

96. Do you continue fighting in an argument even tho you know you're wrong ?

-NAHS if i was qurreling wif u,den th ans is a "Y-E-S"

97. Where are you yesterday?

-@ home lah,u use ur brain pls lah use brain not butt =="'

98. Is there anyone that calls you baby ?

-YEAHS,my parents lorhs,dont u have anione???OH WAIT,i forgt,u have no-one by ur side :DD

99. In the next 2 months what are looking forward to most ?

-Sis and Dilys BDAE:)

100. Why?


101. Who did you last called ?

-Sonia,we chatted for veri long

102. What are you thinking of right now ?

-Nothing my mind is full of music and lyrics clogged in my brain :)

103. When and where was the last time you partied ?

-Y???u wanna come,sure,pay mi $1Mil first and buy my those things on my wishlist :DD

104. Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online ?


105. When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry?

-Long Time Ago.

106. Did you tell someone something today ?

-DUH~~~~I am not mute,dont u???oh wait,u dun even have a mouth :DD

107. Do you make-up ?

-DUH~~~NO!!!!!!!!!!u are the one ok so stop it ok u sux

108. Do you like dressing up ?

-Depends on the event i am going to

109. Have you ever considered a sex change ?

-NAHS u gt arh go chng lah who heck care abt u

110.What will you buy next ?

-Y???u wanna buy for mi sure erms...let see.......Dresses,Boots,Shoes,BAGS,ear-rings.......

111. Have any crazy family members ?


112. Are you bored ?

-Duh~~~~Dont u,oh wait,u dun have a heart SO SAD (AS IF)

113. What's on your mind right now ?

-Music and lyrics stop asking u asshole

114. What are you wearing ?


115. Any plans for today ?

-Ya,Kill u

116. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you ?


117. What's your favourite Gatorade flavour ?


118. What's the nicest text in your inbox says and from who ?


119. What's beside you right now ?


120. Where do you want to be right now ?


121. What is it that you find so hard to forget ?

-The things i said to my precious friend :(

122. What's your name ?


123. Male/Female ?


124. Your birthday ?

-02-04-97 why wanna gif presents to mi???

125. Country you're from ?


126. Do you have a bestfriend ?


127. Can you describe how you look like ?

-Stupid,idiotic face,cockeyed like,and a bit blur :)

128. What are you doing now ?


129. What are you wearing now ?


130. Whose your best friend ?

-I cant count finish there is lots of them.....

131. Do you love yourself ?


132. What are you listening right now ?

-A song by icecreamsume

133. Are you hoping for something ?


134. What you adores the most ?

-MY GFs and family lahs

135. How many family members do you have ?


136. Who are they ?

-Mummy , Daddy , Sis ,Bro,me,GrandMA.

137. Who you love the most in your family ?


138. Does this person love you ?


139. Can you describe the person ?

-A girl with lots of music knowledge :P

140. If you lose someone if your family, what will you do ?


141. If someone insult your family, what would you do ?


142. Are there someone you hate in your family ?


143. Are you crushing or currently steading with someone ?


144. If you do, what's his/her name ?

-WHY???matchmaking session now mehs *act innocent*

145. How old is he/she ?

-12 lah

146. What school is he/she in ?

-Ur bitchy school

147. Do you both meet before ?


148. Can you describe how he/she look like ?

-Look like u lorhs so retarded looking de

149. How much do you love him/her ?


150. If you're single, would you love someone else instead of him/her ?


151. Do you hope he/she loves you too ?


152. Will you consider being with him/her for your future ?


153. If he/she ask you for sex, would you want ?


154. What did you last drank/eaten ?


155. Who did you last texted ?


156. Whose the last to comment you in friendster ?

-nvr check nt a friendster freak

157. Whose th last person you chat with ?


158. When did you last see your best friend ?

-Jus now in school :)

159. Who do you last kissed with ?

-No one:)

160. What does your last text says ?


161. Who did you last hang out with ?

-NO ONE cuz no body ask mi out :)

162. When did you last see your stead/crush ?

-Just now :P

163. Where did you last went to ?


164. Who did you last met ?

-Grandma :)

165. When did you really laugh out loud ?

-long ago

166. What show/movie did you last watch ?

-Star Trek

167. Who did you last spend your happiest moment with ?

-wif my GFs

168. How many besties do you have ?

-uncountable numbers.

169. Who are they ?

-DUN KAYPO LAHS if not i kill ya i tell ya first dun say i did not warn u hors

170. Do all your besties know each other ?


171. Who do you spend the most time with ?

-my computer.

172. Who do you spend the lesser time with ?


173. Do you love any of them ?

-Of course!in fact is all of them

174. Do you enjoy every seconds with them ?


175. Do you think they enjoy being with you ?

-ask them urself bitch

176. Did you lied to them before ?


177. Does all of them have friendster ?


178. How about msn ?


179. Do you talk to them often ?


180. Taken or single ?


181. Do you like it ?

-yes cuz gt lots of freedom

182. Would you still kiss your ex ?


183. Have you ever had your heart broken ?

-DUH i have feelings de lorhs

184. Do you believe that cheating is bad ?


185. Are you missing some one special right now ?


186. Do you want children ?

-Would be nice

187. If yes, how many ?

-1/2 but pls no twins

188. Would you consider adoption ?


189. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you ?


190. Do you believe in celebrating an anniversary ?


191. Do you get butterflies when you're around your crush ?

--Yes?? Dunno ?? No??

192. Do any of your ex still have feelings for you ?


193. Have you slept at a boyfriend house ?


194. Who would you spend the most time of your life with ?


195. Does anyone know your password to your friendster beside yourself ?


196. Are you an emotional person ?

-YEAHS my mood chnges fast

197. Have you ever lost a friendship over something stupid?


198. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex ?

-He is a boy. :)

199. Are you afraid of pain ?


200. If you're unhappy, what will you do ?