❝무지개만 보며 걸어요
stop in the name of love. just say yes.
★☆★☆// Thursday, July 30, 2009 [ 10:05 PM ] 0 problem


sry if i nvr post cuz nowadays damn buzi ya kno :D
Oh ya gt a "good" news to share wif EVERYONE
[E] has bcame the monitress of my class which is a disadvantage to mi
She will make my life miserable D:
Ridhwan is the monitor of cuz which is an advantage to mi bcuz at least i have a good time ;]
Ridhwan is choosen by [E] to be monitor de :D
Congrats to the both of U aniways :)
Oh ya kathira oso not I.T. monitor liaos good rite :D
He nvr do anithing de lorhs :)
aniways , PPL , PLS TAKECARESSS~~~~~~!!!!!!!!

thats all for now ;] byesbyes

signing off as,

★☆★☆// [ 10:05 PM ] 0 problem


★☆★☆// Wednesday, July 22, 2009 [ 9:49 PM ] 0 problem

SIANS~~~~~~!ReiRei ytd knew wad it feels like to play wif basketball players for captains ball LOLS :D ytd so fun for P.E. HEEHEE i aiming to go for the interclass captainsball competition HEEHEE ;D
poswt tmr agn BYESBYES<3<3

★☆★☆// Wednesday, July 15, 2009 [ 10:05 PM ] 0 problem

i cr8 for fun Nice???
gt my nickname ther.See properly dun be cockeyed like mi :D

★☆★☆// My FunPix =D Thursday, July 9, 2009 [ 10:31 PM ] 0 problem

★☆★☆// Wednesday, July 8, 2009 [ 3:40 PM ] 0 problem

myspace layout

TO Rachel,Froze_icy,Sonia,Crystal,Jiaying,Sinyi,Dilys,Germaine,Minhui,Katie & Feng Ying

★☆★☆// Tuesday, July 7, 2009 [ 6:52 PM ] 0 problem

myspace icon

if u need this doll,i will help u do ;D

★☆★☆// [ 6:47 PM ] 0 problem



★☆★☆// [ 6:39 PM ] 0 problem

Rachel Khor for u ;]
For ur blog :)

★☆★☆// Sunday, July 5, 2009 [ 11:31 AM ] 0 problem


Ytd so fun sey:D
Meet Ger at the playground at 10 plus
den BH,Nicholas and Francis come le
ok so we go CWP,go timezone den go buy tickets for transformers
The movie okok lahs Sit ther until butt pain liaos
ok after that gt half an hour more b4 ReiRei go home ok lorhs so call dilys
Den ReiRei tell Dilys me and GEr going to her house ok so went her Ger was half eating half SMS-ing
Ok after that call Bh and David to come,they call liaos play mahjong and poker
Mahjong ReiRei bo win ani "$$"
Poker ReiRei's luck still okok
den pair up,BH and David,Ger and Galen,Dilys and ReiRei
Our luck still okok but Ger and Galen's luck....i dunkno mayb they no luck???
Ok after they go home,ReiRei at Dilys hse eat dinner den go home :D
That Day was Fun!;D

Ok Stop Here,ByesByes<3<3

Signing off as,

★☆★☆// Friday, July 3, 2009 [ 3:56 PM ] 0 problem


Hais...Today boring but quite fun for science period nia
Mr hatta say a lot of jokes den forget to bring Activity 6A
So write it on the foolscape pad lorhs....
OK and ReiRei was caught talking in class everyday~! cuz ReiRei's sitting in the middle.
Jus now ReiRei was Germaine's and Binghui's Letter girl~!ReiRei pass to ger den pass to Binghui
We veri sneaky bcuz lter tio caught..So mus wait until Mr Hatta no looking den can pass to one of them lorhs
Ok End Here ByesByes<3<3

Signing off as,
