❝무지개만 보며 걸어요
stop in the name of love. just say yes.
★☆★☆// Thursday, September 24, 2009 [ 9:36 PM ] 0 problem

This Blog is Closed Due to Busy Period,Just Bear With Me~!!!!!

The link to my temporaily Post:

Updates will be There :D

TY for ur Kind Attention :D

Signing off as,

★☆★☆// Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana (with lyrics) Tuesday, September 22, 2009 [ 4:11 PM ] 0 problem

This Song Rocks~!~!

★☆★☆// A MAGNIFICIENT DAY~~! Thursday, September 17, 2009 [ 6:48 PM ] 0 problem

today so FUN~~! ^^

okays,so go school,study......
After school,go canteen buy drinks first,switch on fone,let isabelle play,den germaine,chaolei and rachel lai liaos,so,wait for them eat their lunch,go bball court nobody ther,so go 515 de playground ther plays lorhs,play until so fun sey,play catching,blahblahblahgo den go school de library awhile,den mi,germaine and rachel going to 516 de but mi and rachel tired so go sit on the staircase infront of 515's bball court ^^ den not long,germaine use rachel fone call mi...=="'
ok,so picked it up,she like veri lonely waiting for a friend so i abandon rachel and go pei her lorhs,den wait for her friend for so long sey >< leg pain le,den rachel come,go look for my bag and rest awhile,den walk over to CWP...reach le,so up to minitoons,action city,precious thots,more than words and popular,at popular,we take our own sweet time to shop around.....
after that,we go clivics the library ther sit awhile den they say go MAC buy drinks to drink,in the end,is buy McFurry (wadeva the spelling is),den i go home liaos,so refreshing after a shower~!den after i do the stars for a special someone,GERMAINE AND RACHEL KNO CNNT SAY HORS~!i finish folding it veri fast de....ok lahs stop here le,byesbyes,gambatte for ur LC~! BYESBYES

signing off as,

★☆★☆// Extravanganza~! Wednesday, September 16, 2009 [ 9:57 PM ] 0 problem

Hey Everybody~!

left wif 10 teaching days to PSLE......
Now i will stop here ~!okays???
Byesbyes,sayonara :D

signing off as,

*P.S.: Schoolmates and classmates,JYJY for PSLE :D*
*P.S.:-iBELOVED leader and master,THANKS FOR THE TAG~!:D~! Appreciate it :D~!Will post frequently if gt the time X]*

★☆★☆// Friday, September 11, 2009 [ 8:22 PM ] 0 problem

[Rima Tohya is the BEST XD]

ok,if u see that vid below this post rite,u will love that girl HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......
ok lahs stop here le
Oh ya,i finish reading the vampire diaries le :D YAY ~!
if u all talk to me on MSN i nvr reply means i audi-ing okays???
cuz that time rachel they all MSM me i nvr reply,hai rach msg wo.....SRY
i now a audi freak le lahs X(
but will update plurk,play facebook,on MSN de lahs HAHAHAHAHAH :D
ok stop here le byesbyes
To -iBELOVED(fam) : hope we could recruit more members to our fam XD ~!JYJY~!
Signing off as,
*ps:i am coolgirl fyi!;]*

★☆★☆// Wonder Girls V.S. Wonder Baby Wednesday, September 9, 2009 [ 5:51 PM ] 0 problem

that girl so CUTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

★☆★☆// Monday, September 7, 2009 [ 6:55 PM ] 0 problem

hais dun feel like blogging bcuz of some matters...
ok stop here now...byesbyes
Signing off as,

★☆★☆// Friday, September 4, 2009 [ 9:01 PM ] 0 problem

[Shiki Senri,Rima Tohya&Aidou Hanabusa Rock the world :D]

I am so dunkno wad to do......
I dunkno whether to forgive&forget or is it to take it to heart and ignore.....
They are too much le........Play wif my name can...i never say anithing i shouts at them to ask to SHUTUP so that the joke will not be too much......but they have gone too far......their joke has irritated me and cause me to broke down.......
All i hope was jokes had not gone too far...but this time i will remember this incident for the rest of my life even if i was my happy self,i will take this as a lesson and will never forgive&forget.....
Their jokes bcame a whole class joke.....WAD IS WRONG WIF THEM........Dun see them making fun of other girls......i am the only girl in class which is being make fun of......WAD IS THE POINT OF MAKING FUN OF PPL....they have never being make fun frequently of cuz they wont know wad the feeling is like....but i kno wad is the feeling of being invincible in ppl eyes,being hated,being accused,make fun of,being left out but they never have this feeling even if they do,they onli feel it for a while.....i have feel this for this whole year thru this journey of life.....
all i really wanted is jus for once no jokes on me,not being accused,being left out and feeling invincible...All i kno i cant trust friends for life and i oso could not depend on them for this whole life...can i???All i believe is that.......friends cant support u for life,u mus be independant and not depend on friends for support.....All i can say is Rina and Adthiti ask me not to care...but i jus couldnt'...Adthiti said alot of stuffs to me.....asking me not to care,be strong and i will meet more ppl like them in times to come....but i jus couldnt' not take it heart...it happens frequently......I jus couldnt' be strong even if i wanted to...but all i can say is...Adithiti's and Rina's words really make me realised that i actually could be one....but i jus dun wan to.....but i will remember their words...i kno i can depend on them for comfort when i am sad......hopes one day,i will never be the same old crybaby self cuz i will never learn how to forgive&forget......negative thought are my things positive is not my things....i jus wants normal friends who will better den those jerks who makes fun of ppl,bullying is their thing.....i dun wan to fight for my rights...dun wanna talk about it le....will jus make mi feel more that i can never forget&forgive....

★☆★☆// Thursday, September 3, 2009 [ 9:06 PM ] 0 problem

161th post :D

myspace background

myspace background


★☆★☆// [ 8:48 PM ] 0 problem

i love.........

-Shiki Senri
-Rima Tohya
-Aidou Hanabusa
-The S.A. Special A Class
-D-gray man
-Evening gowns
-Baby Blue

and of cuz........

myspace icon

myspace icon

★☆★☆// [ 8:39 PM ] 0 problem

[Shiki Senri is so handsome,Rima Tohya is So Pretty,Aidou Hanabusa is jus so CUTE!]
Today such a boring day~~~~!
NTH to post.........
I today in class know that [E] gt backstabbed......
I dont kno why i feel sad for her too.......
Can anyone tell me the reason why.......
kays stop here....
Wishes DILYS LEE ZHI XUAN has found wher all her pictures had gone to :D
Signing off as,
*going to 160 posts le~and i kno i am crazy cuz almost most of the time i post at nite....*

★☆★☆// Wednesday, September 2, 2009 [ 6:32 PM ] 0 problem

[Shiki,Rima,Aidou are THE BEST OF THE BEST!]
ELLO PPL!its me!:D
ok lahs lets quit the formal greeting :D
Now gt back MT Paper 2 result le lahs......
and today gt mood swings sey.......
hais.....ok stop here le,will post longer nex time de okays???
signing off as,

★☆★☆// Tuesday, September 1, 2009 [ 11:35 PM ] 0 problem

[Shiki and RIMA Rocks FOR LIFE]
LOLS sudenly all the posts gt shiki and rima's name......they are so COOL~!I WANNA BE LIKE THEM :D
not in the mood to post le????
byesbyes,gdnite ppl :D
signing off,
*P/S:I kno i kno,i am crazy rite,posting in the middle of the nite.....*