❝무지개만 보며 걸어요
stop in the name of love. just say yes.
★☆★☆// Saturday, January 29, 2011 [ 6:49 PM ] 0 problem

words in bold dedication to anyone who hated the CB girl and C(s)herry. ^^

Day 20 - Your favorite SHINee moment

when they're shouting their chant, "We Are Going~ Ultra SHINee Transformation~" they looked really really bonded. ;_; imma jealous now. Dx i really hope my class was like them! Dx but too bad, we weren't like them. ._." and i'm glad we weren't like them, i almost puke watching people go,"Annyeonghaseyo~SHINee/f(x) immida~", you know, there's a girl, quite of a history in class, used to tell me and girlfriends that our "Annyeonghaseyo~" was irritating, then the start of the year, she herself did that, then there was this "young" lady in class who was watching f(x)'s Nu ABO, and then she started acting all coyish and said "Annyeonghaseyo!f(x) immida~" me and girlfriends was there like "whothef she think she is? ==" and then that's when i got sabo and ofcourse, she dragged my dearest god-brother out of the class with the quite-a-history girl, i bet it was something very "good" about me, so yeah, thanks. ==

Day 21 - Your favorite SHINee couple pairing with any other K-Pop star

SHINee,SNSD,F(x),&&,SuJu. SMTOWN hwaiting, actually, there's nothing to compared to, they're all so close to each other. ^o^ i think they're all just fine together, i don't get why some fans just hates some of the pairings, i'm totally fine with Minho and Sulli together, because they're a family, they look just as cute as any pairing. :) i saw they're co-acted CF, they're just fine! even Taemin and Sulli looks fine! ^^ i just love sm.town so i love all parings. ^^

Day 22 - Your favorite SHINee interview

hmm, everything? The way they reply is just so cute~~~!!!!

Day 23 - Your favorite SHINee collab performance with any other K-Pop band/artist

Then again, sm town, their jingle bell rocks. OMG, f(x) is just born to be with SNSD,SHINee and SuJu. They all looks fine to me, i've watched the Onew,Taemin,Krystal and Luna fancam at IASC of them playing scissors-paper-stone, they look really bonded, and when they're playing as a family, it's really very warming though. ^^

Day 24 - The SHINee member you would want as your brother

Taemin-oppa! i really could raise to his eye-level! he's just loved by everyone,male or female! ^^ he is really a very pure person. TuT.

★☆★☆// Monday, January 24, 2011 [ 9:11 PM ] 0 problem

Day 14 - Your favorite variety show cut of Key

most probably.. Idol Maknae Rebellion, my gawd! He's so damn awesome! I love seeing him do girl group dances, it's just amazing seeing how he said he can see girl group dances once and learned how to danced to it already. I wish i was him.. ): anyway, HWAITING!

Day 15 - Your favorite variety show cut of Taemin

SHINee's YuHanNam! OMG! He's so freaking cuddly and cute~ x3 he really is very cute! OMG! when i first watch it, i was like, how can any guy get more cuter than him?! yesh,yesh, i know, he is the maknae alright? the cute one! x3 i can't help fall in love with him. :3

Day 16 - Your favorite variety show cut of Onew

hmm, night star! My gawd, he's so freaking awesome on that show. though he's a gag loner, sometimes, he can get really cranky! I totally love his onew sangtae, can at least i hope he take cares of himself more often.

Day 17 - Your favorite variety show cut of Jonghyun

hmm, star golden bell? I adore that show alot, it's full of surprises from different episodes! :) i totally love how he reacts on the spot. i like the JongKey episode. :) makes me wanna bite him!

Day 18 - The best dancer in the SHINee

Taeminnie! He does really great popping! :) he does popping in a very manly manner, when he gets all cute and cuddly, i just want to bite him, but when he does popping, ohmygod, i've tasted the taste of falling in love, he's got the manly charisma.

Day 19 - The funniest SHINee member

Onew-oppa. I love his body gags, i mean, it's not that i want to laugh at him, but he gets all cute and cuddly when he does body gags! just makes me wanna hug him,bite him, own him, love him. xD when he's caring, i mean literary. he's a great leader around sm.town together with Taeyeon-unni,Victoria-unni and LeeTeuk-oppa, gah, i love these leaders, OnTaeng,OnVic,OnTeuk,TaengVic,TaengTeuk. I'm glad i really love kpop and sm.town :)

★☆★☆// Thursday, January 20, 2011 [ 8:51 PM ] 0 problem

Day 10 - Your favourite SHINee couple/pairing.

OnTae~ I somehow really like(love, to be exact) leader/maknae cutie pies. ^^ they're also my biases, so i can't help it. ^^ they really are cute together, i've already got more than hundreds of pitures of this couple already. ;) I'm proud to be a OnTae SHIPPER!

Day 11 - Your favourite SHINee music video.

Basically , all of them, it's special to be a SHAWOL(i'm a e.l.f, s♥ne, and aff(x)tion as well. ^^;;). basically, I like all of their works, it's amazing!

Day 12 - The very first SHINee song you listened to.

hmm, it's supposed to be Ring Ding Dong and Lucifer, but i've only listened at the start and then switched to other songs because i wasn't really a SHINee fan that time, but the song is "HELLO" ^^;; , after that, i've really gotten to liked them more and more so i listened to more of their songs, and here i am, supporting SNSD,SuJu,F(x) and SHINee. ^^

Day 13 - Your favourite variety show cut of Minho.

HELLO BABY~ my gawd, i miss yoogeun and him being together all the time. ;_; I really like him in HELLO BABY, he really lived up to the name flaming charisma. ^^ and of course, I really like him in the children's story acting episodes, Ep4 and Ep6, it's seriously fun just watching them do those. ^^

Heyya, i'm gonna do a few stuffs later like reblogging. ^^ hmm, i better do them now. :O


★☆★☆// Sunday, January 16, 2011 [ 9:17 PM ] 0 problem

Day 9 - A SHINee dance you would like to learn.

ehh, there's a lot, i wanna learn how to dance to "REPLAY","JULIETTE","RING DING DONG","LUCIFER","HELLO" ^^ besides, i've learned how to dance to "GENIE","GEE","BABY BABY","INTO THE NEW WORLD","Oh!" and many more, so i just wanna hope that at least i can learn at least one song. ><

annyeong! imma gonna go and tumblr now. ^^

★☆★☆// Saturday, January 15, 2011 [ 11:08 PM ] 0 problem

okay, somehow, the gif image i upload is not working. ><


Day 7 -A SHINee song you know all the words to.

hmm, most probably, "Hello", HELLO! they're freaking awesome young cutie pies~!

Day 8 -A SHINee song you know all the moves to.

hmm, then again, maybe none. >< sorry~

today was awesome, summing it up tomorrow. ^^,


★☆★☆// Thursday, January 13, 2011 [ 9:07 PM ] 0 problem

Day 6 - A SHINee song that makes you giddy.

JULIETTE~ HO~ LOL, so it's the song, juliette~ ^^

Annyeong, i'm super pissed for anything right now. so damn _|_-ed up life. ==

★☆★☆// Wednesday, January 12, 2011 [ 10:35 PM ] 0 problem

Day 5 - A SHINee song that makes you sad.

hmm.. can i say Onew's solo song? :< the lyrics is freaking touching and sweet...<3 :'<

my answers will be short and sweet and straight to the point kind of answer. ^^


★☆★☆// Tuesday, January 11, 2011 [ 9:38 PM ] 0 problem

Day 4 - A SHINee song that makes you happy.

hmm.. most probably the song "hello" because it's refreshing~ ^^

my answers will all be short, don't have any high expectations of blogging for myself. ._."

anyway, i'm MC-ed for swimming course and of course, i'm scolded for nothing, fuck. =="


★☆★☆// Monday, January 10, 2011 [ 8:19 PM ] 0 problem

Day 3 - Your least favourite SHINee song.

erm, was this suppose to be a question or insult? LOL. Kidding~ basically,there is not one i hate. ^^ they're awesome singers!

sorry, my answers are short for this...


★☆★☆// Sunday, January 9, 2011 [ 1:02 PM ] 0 problem

Day 1 - Your favorite SHINee member and why

Onew and Taemin. ^^ First, i heart OnTae(i like this Leader-Maknae pairings), second, They are so freaking awesomely cute! xD I Love the two of them~! SHINee Hwaiting~ Saranghae~

Day 2 - Your favorite SHINee song

My favourite is "Hello", The MV is so damn Awesome and cute~ xD and it's the first SHINee song that i've replayed over thirty times! ^^they're so awesome~ ^^

sorry if my answers are short, brain ain't functioning well. ><
anyway, annyeong~

★☆★☆// Friday, January 7, 2011 [ 10:51 PM ] 0 problem

SHINee 30 Day Challenge!

Day 1 - Your favorite SHINee member and why
Day 2 - Your favorite SHINee song
Day 3 - Your least favorite SHINee song
Day 4 - A SHINee song that makes you happy
Day 5 - A SHINee song that makes you sad
Day 6 - A SHINee song that makes you giddy
Day 7 - A SHINee song you know all the words to
Day 8 - A SHINee dance you know all the moves to
Day 9 - A SHINee dance you would like to learn
Day 10 - Your favorite SHINee couple/pairing
Day 11 - Your favorite SHINee music video
Day 12 - The very first SHINee song you listened to
Day 13 - Your favorite variety show cut of Minho
Day 14 - Your favorite variety show cut of Key
Day 15 - Your favorite variety show cut of Taemin
Day 16 - Your favorite variety show cut of Onew
Day 17 - Your favorite variety show cut of Jonghyun
Day 18 - The best dancer in the SHINee
Day 19 - The funniest SHINee member
Day 20 - Your favorite SHINee moment
Day 21 - Your favorite SHINee couple pairing with any other K-Pop star
Day 22 - Your favorite SHINee interview
Day 23 - Your favorite SHINee collab performance with any other K-Pop band/artist
Day 24 - The SHINee member you would want as your brother
Day 25 - A post dedicated to Jonghyun
Day 26 - A post dedicated to Onew
Day 27 - A post dedicated to Minho
Day 28 - A post dedicated to Taemin
Day 29 - A post dedicated to Key
Day 30 - Why you love SHINee

annyeonghaseyo, okay,so i'll be starting on this soon. ^^ and of course, after this will be the ten days tumblr challenge. >< i'll try to blog everyday. ^^
and yeah, this few days is other school,shop,eat,rot and sleep. ^^
i'll blog around next time,so..



★☆★☆// Wednesday, January 5, 2011 [ 8:43 PM ] 0 problem


first off, with resolutions. ;D
  1. save kaching, imma too much of a serial shopperholic.
  2. get good grades and aim for triple sciences.
  3. get many birthday cakes. ^^ (Y) for this~
  4. get all of SNSD's,SHINee's and SUPER JUNIOR's members nametags(heehee,sorry,imma SM ENT. lover!)
  5. able to buy "hoot" album since i've made a promise to somebody that i'll get it for his/her birthday. >< (i'm someone who shoots her mouth off w/o thinking)
  6. go shopping with my favourite sis of all times, CRYSTAL.(featured siol. ;P)
  7. try to love my current class, sorry, can't used to think how much i once hate oneEfour.
  8. pray that i'll never seat next to any monkeys~ i had really bad days with them..><
  9. get more kaching lah! :D
  10. get a polariod camera,iPod, if possible, shades. i'm both IT savvy. ^^v just saving the environment yeah?
  11. go Seoul. i would die to go there. ><
  12. change my phone. seriously, i needa get a new phone.
  13. slap bitches, kidding~
  14. get a boyfriend. Joke niah~ ^^
okay,so imma done with that.. so first day of school, to the hell whatever is it, it just sucks, especially elections. >< i would preferably try to sabo other people and get myself out of any troubles with the sabo-back things. ^^v watch out people~ ^^
anyway, this year sec ones are quite okay lah,but please,they're too modernize at their primary schools, Mrs Yeo. finish nagging, they clap(exactly, we Sec twos did too, ;P) but anyhow, i can mostly say, this year's class committee well..let's just say they're from the same clique. == one wrong word or action will die w/o warning man, i'm not cyberbullying first of all. ^^v
so anyway,today's just the second day and it's hella bored. 8.8
i would kill to come back home. >< anyway, blog next time. @.@ imma gonna die~


★☆★☆// Onew's Fact! Part 2 [end]~ Tuesday, January 4, 2011 [ 10:21 PM ] 0 problem

1. Onew wanted to be a scientist when he was young.
2. Onew’s mother taught him to count in English through a song.
3. Onew loves yellow.
4. Onew can’t draw well.
5. Onew loves brushing his teeth for a long time.
6. Onew likes BB guns.
7. Onew wants to learn how to play the guitar.
8. Onew learns piano on his own.
9. Onew wants to meet Gwanggaeto the Great of Goguryo.
10. Onew believes that there are other life forms outside the Earth.
11. Onew prefers to be called Lee Jinki since it’s a name given by his parents.
12. Onew also wants to study Psychology.
13. Onew has a lot of certificates related to computers.
14. Onew has difficulty in expressing himself.
15. Onew believes that one can change a life with just one word
16. Onew’s parents taught him to always greet the security ahjusshi even if he sees him several times a day
17. Onew’s mom texts him everyday.
18. Onew has undergone tooth implant.
19. Onew hates being asked about his ideal type because he felt that he is giving an overused answer to an overused question.
20. Onew can’t go up (talk) to women easily. He is sooo shy.
21. Onew would want to earn a lot of money so I can sail on a yacht, vacationing and feeling life’s freedoms.

★☆★☆// SHINee Facts! Part 1~ [ 10:19 PM ] 0 problem

  • Key gets angry when the members doesn’t eat his food
  • According to the other four, the most ignorant person is Taemin.
  • The members once called Minho, “MEANHO”.
  • If they had to pick a member as a girlfriend, onew jonghyun minho and taemin would all choose key.
  • All the SHINee members thinks that Key will be the first one to get married.
  • All the members like jessica’s(SNSD) littile “HAH” part in gee.
  • Key believes that he has a very good memory.
  • Among all SHINee members, Onew trained the longest.
  • Taemin thinks that people ultimately do what they wanna do.
  • Onew, Minho and Taemin used to share one bedroom, while Jonghyun and Key share another.
  • Minho thinks that the most important for girls are their personalities and the pretty appearance.
  • After they practiced, Taemin stays behind to practice some more.
  • Jonghyun likes to have some exercises because he takes care of his body.
  • When Onew had to compare himself to an animal, he picked penguin. He likes penguins.
  • SHINee members thinks that Minho looks best without make up.
  • SHINee especially likes it when the fans makes GIFs of them.
  • Because Minho and Taemin never cried as much as the other members, KEY calls them “kids with no emotions”
  • “I receive a lot of snacks and yogurt that have nearly the same name as me.” – Onew
  • Minho thinks that Taemin is older than him when they met for the first time.
  • The first thing Key does when he wakes up in the morning is checking his cellphone and iPod.
  • For SHINee, hiccuping is a “NO-NO”.
  • If Taemin had to choose a fav. body part, he would pick all of them, because they’re from his parents.
  • Onew likes girls with long fingers.
  • Q: “How many girl group dances that you can dance?” Key: “There’s no limit. Show me once, I can do it.”
  • Taemin learned Japanese by watching ‘One Piece’.
  • Onew said that when Jonghyun started to cry, he’ll cry the whole day.
  • Taemin really likes horror movie.
  • Taemin likes holding hands.
  • Taemin would treat his girl like a princess.
  • Key can draw very well.
  • Key is easy to prank.
  • All the members of SHINee using Blackberry phone except maknae Taemin, he not allowed to use blackberry phone.
  • Key has the biggest feet.
  • Jonghyun always ask Taemin to watch Toy Story.
Annyeonghaseyo, ne..
this is just part one,next will be ONEW OPPA'S facts then it's the end~

★☆★☆// Monday, January 3, 2011 [ 2:02 AM ] 0 problem

It feels like I've been dreaming for a long time
I've wandered and wandered around for a while
As if we made a promise
Standing here in front of each other like that day from four seasons ago
Those beautiful stories that we wrote down together
Those eternal promises that we prayed for at that time
They're all coming back to me now and I don't think my heart can take it
I've even restrained myself at the thought of you
How has your one year been

For a long time, I've been living, having forgotten of you
For a while, I thought I was doing fine
However I started to realize it as time passed by
That I am nothing without you
At that time, if only we had been a bit more mature
If only we knew how we would be right now
I have no confidence in overcoming these endless regrets
So I've had to just repress them
One year has passed like that

Could your feelings perhaps be the same as mine?
Will you give me another chance?
I know now that we can never part from each other
The one person I love and love again

I wish we can go back to our first days
To the beautiful, happy and loving days
Those heart-breaking stories and vain arguments
Just bury all of that now
And promise that we won't take them out again
No matter how many seasons pass and how many years go by
I hope that we won't meet like today again

okay, so..yeah, one year gone, and to me, well, it's different,really different, i'm aging REAL FAST. plus, i'm gonna have to study real hard because i have only one chance on humanities. ==
and yeah, i'm forever loving the song
1년후 by 제시카 & 온유.
So, yeah, that's all, ^^


*waves**makes a heart*
